Range Rover 4.4 18" Twin-Spoke Alloy Wheel Set of 5 NEW
This is a brand new set of five genuine 18" Twin-Spoke Alloy Wheels for a 2003-2005 Land Rover Range Rover. They're kind of like the Hurricane wheel made popular by this Rover's predecessor. The spokes are a little thicker, but the styling cues are very similar. This is a very uncommon wheel for this vehicle. Traditionally, you see this vehicle with the 6-spoke alloy, and this set of wheels offers you a chance to set your Rover apart. You can grab these one at a time, or grab them as a set of four. Contact me with any more specific info you may need.
If you're an off-roader with your Range, then these wheels will substantially approve those capabilities. Also will greatly enhance your ability to maneuver in the snow.
Thanks for looking!
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