Land Rover OEM Range Rover 2003-2012 Genuine CHROME Triple Side Intake Vents
You are looking at a pair of genuine Land Rover Chrome Triple Side Intake Mouldings or Side Vents for a Range Rover (L322) 2003-2012 model. These are brand new and intended to mimic the 2006 HSE/VOGUE style triple side vents for Range Rover. They are compatible with any of the newer Range Rover models (2003-2012). The improvement this enhancement will make to the appearance of your profile view is remarkable. It completely changes the entire look. It's dramatic and a relatively inexpensive method to transform your Rover.
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Here's your chance to have your cake and eat it too. This listing is for a pair of the genuine Land Rover vents. You can install these yourself without any specialized Rover dealership tools. Good news for us all! We also have genuine Land Rover chrome mirror backs available in our store for either the 2003-2004 mirror back or 2005-2006 mirror back. You can access them both by clicking on the link below and selecting "Range Rover 2003 and Newer" from the categories on the left.
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