BMW X5 GENUINE Clear Corner European Lights BRAND NEW
This is a brand new pair of genuine BMW European headlights with what's referred to as "white" corners for a BMW X5 (up to production month 10/2003) without Xenon. If you're interested in converting your X5 to the "Euro" look minus the ugliness of the US completely amber corner lenses then this is a crucial piece in that transition. The X5 is a very agressive and sharp looking vehicle, especially from the front. As attractive as the new X5 is, many of the U.S. versions still possesses a solid amber corner lens which you can diminish with this upgrade. This will work with any X5 manufactured prior to 10/2003. Though the picture shown illustrates the xenon style with projector headlights, the set you'll receive will not have projector headlights and will have the same headlight (low beam and high beam) design as your present set. These are for X5 models with Halogen presently. If you have Xenon headlights, please click on the link below and then select "X3 & X5 Accessories" from the left.
Please allow two to three weeks for delivery.
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On Feb-01-05 at 23:09:09 PST, seller added the following information:
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On Feb-02-05 at 18:12:57 PST, seller added the following information:
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