Mercedes-Benz OEM SAP Profile Bluetooth Module Adapter C117 C292 W166 W204 W212
This is a brand new genuine Mercedes-Benz SAP Bluetooth telephone cradle adapter system. If your MB is pre-wired for Bluetooth then this is a great option for hands free phone usage while you're driving. As you can see this is a corded unit which you can opt for using if you'd like to have a private conversation in a car full of people. Do your research to see if this unit is compatible with your car and your particular phone model.
This eject box is compatible with the following models:
C117 CLA ClassW166 GLE ClassC292 GLE CoupeW176 A ClassW204 C ClassC207 E ClassW212 E ClassR231 SL ClassW242/W246 B ClassPlease allow two to three weeks for delivery and consider this information when leaving detailed feedback
Thanks for looking!